Monday, May 12, 2008

Shut Up! Gossip Girl is Good!

I'm so not ashamed. Gossip Girl is an incredible show, I have no doubt it will win several Oscars this year. It's totes worthy. The last episode just ended 31 minutes ago and I'm feeling the symptoms of withdrawal as I write this. I know what would help pass the time until next Monday: Gossip Girl Chat Room! Last week I signed up for the GG chat and I totally spoiled it for someone. They were pi-essed! Whatevs, if you're a true fan you'll just watch the show and then nothing will be spoiled. I also tried to create my own GG avatar but that program is built for 15 year olds. I'm not as smart as a 15 year old and therefore failed to enter the GG Second Life. On a side note, how scary are teens?

Update: I hate myself, I'm so ashamed. Someone take away my TV. I'm a loser.


ninushka. said...

OMG get a hold of yourself! You're so addicted A- xoxo

Frenchster said...

Don't listen to that red haired girl...